Designer Leather Watches in
Designer Leather Watches in the Series, is one of the best watches that we’ve sold of all time that you can find that is designed around your hand. It is well done, designed and is very sturdy so you should be able to wear it out with no problem. It is also durable and does not last for many days on a regular basis. The case is made of heavy-duty TPU steel with a matte finish that is made to stand up to most any rigors of everyday life.
Product Type: Leather Watches
Model: 7.0625
Year: 2017
Model Code: H2
Fits: 2.5
Overall Rating: Good, sturdy, quick to pack
Quality: Well built and works great
Size: The case of this beautiful leather watch takes up much of our spare room storage area, so just buy it and put it away.
Dimensions: Length: 5.5 inches, Width: 10 inch
Lifetime Warranty: 3 months